- Discovered biological mechanism of stress evoked behavior, awarded Natural Science Second Prize of CAS
- International contribution in study of self adjusted production learning system, awarded Natural Science Second Prize of CAS
- Initiated in China the AI study of Chinese language comprehension, awarded Second Prize of Progress in S&T of CAS
- Discovered differences between Chinese language processing and Western language processing
- First established non-movement 2nd order CNV research model, observed extrication wave and 2nd order CNV
- Studies of brain mechanisms of human spatial memory and spatial navigation. Examined cognitive processes by virtual reality, eye tracking and fMRI techniques. Discovered that human spatial memory was realized by representation of inner frame of reference of the situation
- Registered cognitive and brain mechanisms of “insight”; that insightful discovery originates in the anterior cingulate region and is formulated in the hippocampus
- Through studies of risk behavior, developed the "Li’s equate-to-differentiate" model
