Dr. WANG Yi , assistant researcher of Neuropsychology and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, and Key Lab of Mental Health, of the Institute of Psychology received the Young Investigator Travelling Award of the 4th Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Conference. Dr. Wang attended the conference in April 4-9th in Florence, Italy, and reported her work on the association of trait anhedonia and cortical thickness. There are a total of 20 Young Investigator Awards granted out from 150 applicants. Including Dr. WANG Yi, this is the fifth time of the NACN Lab receives similar kind of awards for their recognition of schizophrenia research. Dr. Raymond Chan received the Young Investigator Award and the Senior Scientist Award from the Biennial Workshop of Schizophrenia in 2004 and 2008, respectively, the Young Investigator Award from the International Congress of Schizophrenia Research (ICOSR) in 2007, and Dr. Ya Wang received the Young Investigator Award from the ICOSR in 2009. The SIRS and ICOSR are the two most important biennial meeting in the field of schizophrenia research. For the past few years, over a thousand of researchers and scientists came from different countries attended each conferences and exchange their data, techniques and ideas, which helped to facilitate the scientific research and clinical treatments.
