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Dr. SU Li from the MRC Cognition and Brain Science Unit of Cambridge visited the NACN Lab of the Institute of Psychology
Author: Dr. Raymond Chan's Research Team      Update time: 2011/05/11
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Dr. SU Li from the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Science Unit (MRC CBU) of Cambridge, UK, visited the Neuropsychology and Applied Cognitive Neuroscience (NACN) Laboratory, Key Laboratory of Mental Health, the Institute of Psychology from April 20th to May 9th 2011.

Dr. Su is a research scientist at the MRC CBU and a research associate at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. He has a degree in computer science from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication, and MSc and PhD in computer science from the School of Computing and Centre for Cognitive Science and Cognitive Systems at University of Kent. He worked in Institute of Psychiatry at King's College in London from 2008 and MRC's CBU in Cambridge from 2009. His research interests include cognitive and affective control, human-computer interaction, cognitive neuropsychiatry, and language comprehension. He develops and applies several cutting-edge technologies such as real-time functional MRI, multivariate pattern analysis for MEG/EEG, and computational modelling in systems and cognitive neuroscience. One of his recent projects involves the real-time technologies in studying psychopathology of mental disorders.

Dr. Su has discussed and explored the possibilities of collaboration and shared his expertise in real-time imaging with Dr. Raymond Chan and his collaborators. He also visited Dr. Chan’s clinical collaborators and delivered two talks at the Institute of Psychology, one is titled as “Brain control: Reality or science Fiction, and the other as “Glance-look model of cognitive and affective control”. During this visit, Dr.Su and Chan agreed to work more closely on the non-medical intervention of at-risk groups and mental disorders using the cutting-edge technologies.

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