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    Cognitive Engineering: Human Factors as Human-Centered Systems Design and Evaluation
    Update time: 2013/12/17
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    Cognitive Engineering:  Human Factors as Human-Centered Systems Design and Evaluation

    Speaker: Alex Kirlik

          Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois

    Time:   15:00-16:30

    Date:    Dec 17th(Tue), 2013

    Venue:   Room 711, South Building IPCAS


    This presentation will provide an overview of the recently published Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering (Lee, J.D. & Kirlik, A., Eds., 2013, Oxford University Press). Cognitive engineering is an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis, modeling, and design of engineered systems or workplaces in which humans and technologies jointly operate to achieve system goals. As individuals, teams, and organizations become increasingly reliant on information technology and automation, it is more important than ever for system and workplace design to be maximally informed by state-of-the-art cognitive engineering research. The handbook represents the research contributions of over 60 cognitive engineering researchers, each an authority in the discipline. Examples of some of our current and recent cognitive engineering research projects in areas such as human-automation interaction and interactive visual analytics will also be discussed. 

    About the Speaker 

    Alex Kirlik joined the University of Illinois in 2002, where he is Acting Head of the Human Factors Division and Professor of Human Factors, Psychology, Computer Science, Mechanical Science & Engineering, and Industrial, Enterprise and Systems Engineering. He also holds a Part Time Faculty appointment in the Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction Group at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. Dr. Kirlik has held visiting positions at Yale University, Stanford University, the University of Connecticut and NASA Ames Research Center, and was Assistant and then Associate Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Cognitive Science, Psychology and Computer Science at Georgia Tech between 1990 and 2000. Dr. Kirlik is founding editor of the Human-Technology Interaction book series for Oxford University Press, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, member of the editorial board of Human Factors, and senior member of IEEE.

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