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The Division of Social and Engineering Psychology
Update time: 2010/09/18
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The mission of our division is to study social-psychological phenomena in China and human behavior in complex settings, to apply psychological theories in practice, and to propose new theories and methodologies in social and engineering psychology to solve practical problems. Specifically, the division carries out a wide range of research in the following fields:

A) Economic behavior and decision making, i.e., decision-making under risk, social interactive behavior, economic decision-making and consumer behavior;

B) Engineering psychology and human factors, including human-machine system design and evaluation, the human behavior patterns and their mechanisms in complex human-machine-environment interactions, and human-in-the loop intelligent system design;

C) Organizational behavior and human resources management, i.e., brand management, work teams, leadership, safety culture, and work well-being;

D) Social psychology and complex system safety, i.e., social alarming system, psychological harmony, and interpersonal trust & credibility;

E) Culture and social cognition, i.e. cultural difference in the self; culture change and the self; culture and implicit social cognition etc.

In the societal domain, we are working on research problems to advance knowledge about social and economic behavior during social and economic transformation, develop new theory, method, technology and tool for social psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and economic psychology in Chinese context, and to provide proposals and advices for both the public and private sectors.

In the engineering psychology and human factors domain, we are building fundamental theories of the human-machine-environment system, conducting systematic experiments to study human behavior in complex systems, developing computational models of human behavior and cognition, investigating and predicting human behavior in complex tasks at both normal and stressful situations based on psychological and neurological mechanisms, and designing novel human-centered intelligent systems. We focus on important applied areas, including transportation safety and efficiency, aviation and aerospace system design, nuclear system safety, and selection and training of pilots and astronauts.

We currently have 28 faculty and staff in the division; include 6 full professors, 12 associate professors, 10 assistant professors, 1 technician and secretaries,3 post doctorates and 58 graduate students.

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