The Cognition and Behavior Research Core (CBRC) centralizes behavioral and physiological instruments for cognition investigators, aim to explore the brain mechanisms supporting cognitive and behavior in humans. The CBRC consists of Virtual reality System, Eye-tracking System, Electroencephalograph, Motion-capturing System, Functional near infrared spectroscopy. Methodologies include computer-based behavioral tests and web-based surveys to assess functional patterns in behavior, as well as functional neuroimaging techniques, such as Functional near infrared spectroscopy, electroencephalography. Service provided in CBRC range from behavioral assessments including Eye Movements, Face Expressions and Motion Analysis to physiological measurements including BOLD, EEG, ECG, EDA, EMG and RSP measurements. An array of technical services are available to users that focus on the fields including sensation and perception, learning and memory, attention, aging, language, emotion, motor control, social cognition, decision making and neurological disorders. Rates and Availability Please contact us at to inquire about the rental of the equipment(s). Virtual reality System 
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy 
Eye-tracking System 