Multimodality Cognitive Neuroimaging Core (MCNC) strives to understand the human mind and transform our understanding to improve human health. With the state-of-the-art 3T GE MR750 scanner, and a series of accessory equipment, including mock scanner, MR compatible EEG, MR compatible eye-tracking system and MR compatible noise-cancelling headphones, the MCNC supports research projects utilizing MRI to further our knowledge on how human behavior is generated based on brain anatomy, function and physiology. Also, the MCNC research advances the MRI technologies, especially the functional MRI (fMRI) analysis methodologies. The core provides those most advanced MRI technologies to the research community within and outside the institute, trains the community to efficiently utilize the technologies and center’s resources, and thus supports the collaborative research across disciplines including psychology, neuroscience, computer science, neuroimaging and psychiatry. Rates and Availability Please contact us at to inquire about the rental of the equipment(s). 3T GE MR750 scanner 
Mock scanner 
functional near infrared spectroscopy 